Sometimes it’s difficult to describe the simple excitement of building something. A friend and I have been collaborating on developing a simple little web game. I’m learning a lot of new things, and have found myself rewriting objects that help me reuse code I’ve already written, or use it in a smarter, more concise way. All this little app can do at the moment is display a rectangle (a boat) on top of a differently colored section of HTML (the water), and move left and right without going off the screen.
It doesn’t look like much, but knowing that I wrote that behavior is immensely satisfying!
However, we may have found a much simpler way of doing things by utilizing enchant.js – I’m not sure if we’ll have to scrap what’s written or not, but that’s okay because I wouldn’t have reached the next subset of small problems that needed to be solved. It’s all in the journey!